Jan Wesselink

Age: 57
Country: Netherlands
Location: Apeldoorn
Affiliation: Age Without Limits
Email: wesselaar@gmail.com
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 207 lb
Logbook ID: 1055872
Member since: July 09, 2015

During a cardiac rehabilitation (...) in early 2015 i rowed on a concept2 for the first time. After a few months working on my condition i have purchased my own concept2 model D. I really enjoy rowing and i do it almost every day. Lost a few kilo's and i feel much better now. Trainingpartners are welcome.



Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
06/19/24 30:00.0 7,207m 2:04.8 RowErg
06/18/24 30:00.0 7,206m 2:04.8 RowErg
06/16/24 30:00.0 7,226m 2:04.5 RowErg
06/15/24 30:00.0 7,380m 2:01.9 RowErg
06/14/24 30:00.0 7,392m 2:01.7 RowErg