Dirk Dijkstra

Age: 71
Country: Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam
Height: 6 ft 0 in
Weight: 169 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 0 in
Logbook ID: 1078211
Member since: January 16, 2016

I started in 2016 rowing on this machine to improve my endurance. I'm not a sportsman, so this is necessary.
There are a lot of machines, i chose the Concept 2 because of the community. This will help me to sustain I hope. So if you need a rowing partner, don't be shy to invite me.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
12/19/18 1:24.2 207m 3:23.3 RowErg
12/19/18 5:11.1 737m 3:31.0 RowErg
05/04/16 9:01.9 1,505m 3:00.0 RowErg
05/04/16 18:10.9 3,017m 3:00.7 RowErg
05/01/16 10:55.5 2,000m 2:43.8 RowErg