James Howlett

Age: 45
Country: United Kingdom
Location: Bracknell
Team: Born in 1979!
Height: 6 ft 0 in
Logbook ID: 1095009
Member since: June 07, 2016

Formerly of Reading Rowing Club, I stuck around long enough to win one pot (in a coxed four) before retiring into mortgage ownership and fatherhood.

I do have an erg at home in my garage, but do most of my indoor workouts during lunchtimes at the gym next to where I work - 30min pieces, 7.7km on a good day, up to four times a week.

I hope one day to own my very own sculling shell to get back on the water again, but not until the kids are a bit older.

I started Team Born in 1979 purely because I like the idea of notching up the kilometers in association with a bunch of folks the same age as me. I wonder whether we'll end up starting a trend of birth year based teams!