Dan Brannan

Age: 76
Country: United States
Location: Daniel Island, SC
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 215 lb
Logbook ID: 1097989
Member since: July 14, 2016

I am on the road to recovery from prostate cancer. As a part of my treatment regimen, I was given shots that lowered my testosterone to zero for 18 months. During that time I was moody, depressed, and lost all desire to workout; the result was a 50-pound weight gain. I've lost about 20 of that, however, my ideal weight is 185-190, so I have about 30 pounds yet to lose. I learned though that it takes incredible strength and discipline to workout when one is feeling so down. Moreover, I learned that I was not nearly as mentality strong as I thought I was. I say this because during my treatment, rather than stay committed to working out, I gave in and gave up. I went from working out six days a week to working out six days a month, and even those were not good quality workouts.

Having cancer was an eye opener, it helped me discover things about myself and life; it helped me understand that relationships especially the ones with those who we love and who love us are the most important things in life. In many ways, having cancer was a godsend.

Now, well now, I am just happy to be back at it again.