Ian Bee v5:00/2:50r...41 row










Heart Rate

Rest Distance1,309m
Rest Time6:20.0
Overall Distance5,795m
Overall Time24:40.0
Average Watts190
Calories Per Hour953
Stroke Rate26
Stroke Count479
Drag Factor132

December 10, 2021 07:06:09


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

10KW1S5 - youtu.be/JDbsLUvLgJg

Row the 6:40 intervals as 20seconds at 2k+20 pace then 20 seconds at 2k+5

Stroke rate is up to you, but I’ll be doing them at 18spm and around 28-30 for the faster 20secs.

Just make sure you don’t push harder than 2k+5 until the last interval (if you want).

The important thing here is actually that you don’t ever go slower than 2k+20 in the “down” 20’s at any stage. You need to stay strong in those parts.


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
18:20.0 4,486m 2:02.6 190 953 26 160
5:00.0 1,124m 2:13.4 147 806 25 140
r: 2:50 568m
0:20.0 80m 2:05.0 179 916 21 145
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 153
0:20.0 81m 2:03.4 186 940 21 159
0:20.0 93m 1:47.5 282 1268 30 165
0:20.0 81m 2:03.4 186 940 21 165
0:20.0 92m 1:48.6 273 1237 30 168
0:20.0 77m 2:09.8 160 849 21 167
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 169
0:20.0 78m 2:08.2 166 871 24 168
0:20.0 92m 1:48.6 273 1237 30 170
0:20.0 77m 2:09.8 160 849 27 170
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 170
0:20.0 76m 2:11.5 154 828 24 169
0:20.0 90m 1:51.1 255 1178 30 171
0:20.0 77m 2:09.8 160 849 24 171
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 172
0:20.0 76m 2:11.5 154 828 27 172
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 172
0:20.0 79m 2:06.5 173 893 24 172
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 173
r: 2:30 520m
0:20.0 82m 2:01.9 193 964 21 152
0:20.0 90m 1:51.1 255 1178 30 159
0:20.0 78m 2:08.2 166 871 21 163
0:20.0 90m 1:51.1 255 1178 30 166
0:20.0 78m 2:08.2 166 871 24 167
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 171
0:20.0 79m 2:06.5 173 893 24 171
0:20.0 87m 1:54.9 230 1093 27 173
0:20.0 75m 2:13.3 148 808 27 173
0:20.0 92m 1:48.6 273 1237 30 173
0:20.0 77m 2:09.8 160 849 24 173
0:20.0 86m 1:56.2 223 1066 27 174
0:20.0 72m 2:18.8 131 749 24 173
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 175
0:20.0 76m 2:11.5 154 828 27 174
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 175
0:20.0 77m 2:09.8 160 849 27 174
0:20.0 91m 1:49.8 264 1207 30 175
0:20.0 76m 2:11.5 154 828 27 175
0:20.0 90m 1:51.1 255 1178 30 175
r: 1:00 221m

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Click and drag on the graph to zoom in on a section.

Workout Graph

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