Ian Bee v4:00/2:23r...17 row










Heart Rate

Rest Distance1,299m
Rest Time7:33.0
Overall Distance13,538m
Overall Time58:33.0
Average Watts179
Calories Per Hour916
Stroke Rate22
Stroke Count1157
Drag Factor146

May 20, 2022 07:37:22


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

10KW4S5 - youtu.be/MHusYZSi0sg

5 mins at 20spm and 2k+18
4 mins at 22spm and 2k+15
3 mins at 24spm and 2k+12
2 mins at 26spm and 2k+9
1 min. at 28spm and 2k+5

No rests between.

Rest 2mins - do this all two more times.

With so many rate changes, the monitor delay between us will be huge. So this session is programmed as 3 c 15 minute intervals and you change rate and pace within.

Obviously this isn’t ideal if you want to see how you managed through each change.

So I suggest either connecting your logbook account to ErgMonkey where you can get a clearer view of your metrics during the row, or duplicate this session and programme the 54321 intervals with 0 rest yourself. Hopefully the delay on your side won’t be too big compared to me.


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
51:00.0 12,239m 2:05.0 179 916 22 166
4:00.0 915m 2:11.1 155 834 24 145
r: 2:23 417m
5:00.0 1,179m 2:07.2 170 884 20 160
4:00.0 964m 2:04.4 181 924 22 167
3:00.0 737m 2:02.1 192 961 24 169
2:00.0 506m 1:58.5 210 1022 26 175
1:00.0 257m 1:56.7 220 1057 27 178
r: 2:00 342m
5:00.0 1,170m 2:08.2 166 871 20 166
4:00.0 960m 2:05.0 179 916 22 169
3:00.0 735m 2:02.4 191 956 24 173
2:00.0 503m 1:59.2 206 1009 26 177
1:00.0 259m 1:55.8 225 1075 26 180
r: 2:00 316m
5:00.0 1,167m 2:08.5 165 867 21 166
4:00.0 954m 2:05.7 176 905 22 170
3:00.0 732m 2:02.9 188 948 24 173
2:00.0 502m 1:59.5 205 1005 26 178
1:00.0 259m 1:55.8 225 1075 25 180
r: 1:10 224m
2:00.0 440m 2:16.3 138 775 25 154

Click on an interval to see the workout graph.

Click and drag on the graph to zoom in on a section.

Workout Graph

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