Ian Warnock

Age: 74
Country: United Kingdom
Location: Londonderry
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 266 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 3 in
Logbook ID: 1109943
Member since: October 27, 2016

I rowed one season in a fresher 8 at Queens University Belfast but then returned to my first love sport of rugby playing senior level from 1970 to 1984. Golf then took over as my major sporting outlet and regular swimming, in periods. With increasing weight and deteriorating knee joints I started C2 indoor rowing and since knee replacement surgery in July 2020 have found it a great way for rehabilitation and to build strength. My left hip gave way in May 2021 and was replaced in August 2021 followed by my left knee in November 2021. I had all surgeries performed in Lithuania at Nordorthopaedics followed by 7-12 days rehab and physio at UPA clinic in Druskininkai. I found the double knee replacement (even if a year apart) difficult in recovery of strength but will continue to enjoy the challenge of rowing against the clock and aiming to drop 30 lbs by end of this season. I started rowing again in August 2022. My times are improving and I am grateful to the skills and care of all staff at Nordortho & UPA and specialty to my long suffering and caring wife and my C2.