Michael Antonoglou

Age: 54
Country: Greece
Location: Thessaloniki
Affiliation: Rex Triathlon TEAM
Team: Rex TriAthlon TEAM
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 194 lb
Logbook ID: 1133103
Member since: March 08, 2017

I am a HalfBlind Greek Triathlon Animal... Cycling is my MAIN SPORT (I am Silver Medal in Time Trial in North Greece Championship) while RUNNING and Marathons is my real passion... I live to breath adrenaline and fight for a better and more healthy community...

My sports are :
1. Cycling
2. Running (Endurance Distances 42 - 21 - 15 - 10 - 5 km.)
3. Running SPRINT (100m. & 400m.)
4. Swimming
5. Rowing ( in Ergo Machine CONCEPT 2 )
6. GYM ( Weights, fitness, bodybuilding )