CBDB CBDB v4:00/2:17r...4 row









Rest Distance19m
Rest Time2:17.0
Overall Distance1,317m
Overall Time14:17.0
Average Watts16
Calories Per Hour356
Stroke Rate12
Stroke Count152
Drag Factor72

June 06, 2022 18:41:00


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

RA73 - MAIN SESSION ONLY - 40 minute push pace - 10KW6S3
10KW6S3 - With warmup - youtu.be/pefAa4hctEE

This version of the 40 minute Push Pace is JUST the main session - so you'll need to set up the warm up and cooldown yourself. It's here for those who want to still use Ergzone, but also want to have split data to come back to after the row - rather than the solid 40 minute row in the version that has the Warmup and Cooldown.

*** I've been falling behind making the videos for the 10K plan - so this is a repeat of the W1S3 workout video. But when you hear me say "Start at 2K+25" - you need to start at 2K+23 if you're doing this as W6S3 of the 10K plan - once I've got to the end of the 10K plan, I'll come back and record a specific video for this session - but it just buys me a day ***

Start at 2K pace + 23 seconds. Increase your speed 2seconds every four minutes until the very end. This will be tougher than the last two times this session appears in the plan.

If you want individual split data for this row, rather than the solid 40 minutes - I suggest duplicating this workout, and removing the warmup and cooldown - then setting the splits to 4 minutes. That will keep you in sync with me, and give you split data that you're looking for.


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
12:00.0 1,298m 4:37.3 16 356 12
4:00.0 524m 3:49.0 29 400 16
r: 2:17 19m
4:00.0 631m 3:10.1 51 475 18
4:00.0 144m 13:53.3 1 302 4

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Workout Graph

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