CBDB CBDB v4:00/1:00r...12 row
Rest Distance | 315m |
Rest Time | 12:00.0 |
Overall Distance | 5,604m |
Overall Time | 42:00.0 |
Average Watts | 71 |
Calories Per Hour | 544 |
Stroke Rate | 20 |
Stroke Count | 603 |
Drag Factor | 91 |
March 10, 2023 17:34:27
Workout Type
Variable Interval
Weight Class
Erg Zone
Time | Meters | Pace | Watts | Cal/Hr | S/M | |
30:00.0 | 5,289m | 2:50.1 | 71 | 544 | 20 | |
4:00.0 | 692m | 2:53.4 | 67 | 530 | 18 | |
r: 1:00 | 32m | |||||
3:00.0 | 526m | 2:51.1 | 70 | 540 | 20 | |
r: 1:00 | 29m | |||||
2:00.0 | 353m | 2:49.9 | 71 | 545 | 22 | |
r: 1:00 | 23m | |||||
1:00.0 | 184m | 2:43.0 | 81 | 577 | 24 | |
r: 1:00 | 24m | |||||
4:00.0 | 696m | 2:52.4 | 68 | 535 | 18 | |
r: 1:00 | 26m | |||||
3:00.0 | 526m | 2:51.1 | 70 | 540 | 20 | |
r: 1:00 | 17m | |||||
2:00.0 | 357m | 2:48.0 | 74 | 553 | 22 | |
r: 1:00 | 28m | |||||
1:00.0 | 184m | 2:43.0 | 81 | 577 | 25 | |
r: 1:00 | 24m | |||||
4:00.0 | 697m | 2:52.1 | 69 | 536 | 19 | |
r: 1:00 | 47m | |||||
3:00.0 | 530m | 2:49.8 | 71 | 545 | 20 | |
r: 1:00 | 25m | |||||
2:00.0 | 362m | 2:45.7 | 77 | 564 | 22 | |
r: 1:00 | 24m | |||||
1:00.0 | 183m | 2:43.9 | 79 | 573 | 24 | |
r: 1:00 | 16m | |||||
r315m |
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RA 30/30-20 w/ Rests
CBDB’s addition of 1 min rests.
Start slow then increase pace as you row for 4 3 2 1 minutes 3 times, going through 18/20/22/24spm
🚣BOTTOM Tier row on my Intensity Pyramid🚣♀️
➔Pace Guide = Start at 2K+20-22 then increase 2/3/3 seconds with the stroke rate increases. Reset to 2K+20-22 for the 18spm again
➔Effort = 5/10 to 7/10
➔Speech = Comfortable, then a bit tough - then comfortable again
❗ Although the 24spm is a bit more intense than a usual Bottom Tier row, because it's only 1 minute long, and then back into the 18spm, it shouldn't push you too hard. The main reason for the 4/3/2/1 is to make the time fly past..❗
🚥You can use Ergzone to programme your Concept 2 PM5 monitor, look for RA 30/30-20 under the RowAlong track which I've split the 30 minutes into 10 minute intervals. I've not programmed in the Warmup and Cooldown however, so you'll need to add them in yourself (I have some on the track, and tagged with the 30/30 label - just bookmark them for future use) 🚥
00:00 Introduction
03:37 Warmup
10:09 Main Session
42:17 Cooldown and time to stretch while I sign off.