CBDB CBDB v2:00/r...11 row









Rest Distance603m
Rest Time18:00.0
Overall Distance2,965m
Overall Time30:00.0
Average Watts99
Calories Per Hour640
Stroke Rate25
Stroke Count304
Drag Factor90

March 26, 2023 17:40:45


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

RA 30/30-23

Get your push on and get that pace up one minute at a time on the rowing machine
🚣TOP Tier row on my Intensity Pyramid🚣‍♀️

Row 2 minutes easy, then 1 minute at 30spm and 2K pace or better - repeat 10 times. When you get halfway, crank up the pace if you can.

➔Pace Guide = Paddle (around 2K+ 40-50) then 2K pace
➔Effort = 5/10 then 10/10
➔Speech = Surprisingly, not to bad as it's just 60 seconds of hard effort at a time

❗ This is about using your legs to push the pace up for you. With only 60 seconds x 10 through this workout, your cardio system may not be on fire, but if you're going hard enough - your legs WILL be. Strive to go faster than your 2K pace towards the second half of the workout - but don't do it right from the start if you think it'll mean you need to limp to a finish❗

🚥You can use Ergzone to programme your Concept 2 PM5 monitor, look for RA 30/30-23 under the RowAlong track which I've split the 30 minutes into 1 minute intervals. I've not programmed in the Warmup and Cooldown however, so you'll need to add them in yourself (I have some on the track, and tagged with the 30/30 label - just bookmark them for future use) 🚥

00:00 Introduction
03:35 Warmup (continue when finished if needed)
10:05 Main Session
42:11 Cooldown and time to stretch while I sign off.


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
12:00.0 2,362m 2:32.4 99 640 25
2:00.0 253m 3:57.1 26 390 16
1:00.0 186m 2:41.2 83 587 23
r: 2:00 54m
1:00.0 211m 2:22.1 122 719 30
r: 2:00 55m
1:00.0 215m 2:19.5 129 743 28
r: 2:00 44m
1:00.0 212m 2:21.5 124 725 28
r: 2:00 78m
1:00.0 215m 2:19.5 129 743 26
r: 2:00 36m
1:00.0 214m 2:20.1 127 737 28
r: 2:00 77m
1:00.0 212m 2:21.5 124 725 27
r: 2:00 78m
1:00.0 215m 2:19.5 129 743 27
r: 2:00 124m
1:00.0 211m 2:22.1 122 719 26
r: 2:00 57m
1:00.0 219m 2:16.9 136 768 29

Click on an interval to see the workout graph.

Click and drag on the graph to zoom in on a section.

Workout Graph

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