CBDB CBDB v4:30/r...7 row









Rest Distance0m
Rest Time
Overall Distance2,742m
Overall Time15:45.8
Average Watts68
Calories Per Hour534
Stroke Rate22
Stroke Count362
Drag Factor91

April 07, 2023 17:51:22


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

RA 30/30-25

Get the best of both worlds in this row by rowing slow, then a short sprint.
🚣MID Tier row on my Intensity Pyramid🚣‍♀️

Row for 4:30 at 22 strokes per minute then 30 seconds sprint 6 times.

➔Pace Guide = 2K + 15-16 - then 2K pace or better
➔Effort = 6/10 then 9-10/10
➔Speech = Heart rate will be up, breathing harder, but ok to speak

❗ This is a great all round row, which lets you biuld that core fitness, and work on your technique at the lower rate, and then spread your wings and go for it on the sprint section. One word of warning though, when you get back to the 22spm pieces, try to hit rate and pace as soon as possible. Don't slow right down to recover from the sprint - the intensity should remain high. You'll recover enough over the next 4:30 to be able to sprint again. But progressively, this row should get tougher.❗

🚥You can use Ergzone to programme your Concept 2 PM5 monitor, look for RA 30/30-25 under the RowAlong track which I've split the 30 minutes into 5 minute intervals. I've not programmed in the Warmup and Cooldown however, so you'll need to add them in yourself (I have some on the track, and tagged with the 30/30 label - just bookmark them for future use) 🚥

00:00 Introduction
02:02 Warmup (continue when finished if needed)
07:28 Main Session
38:56 Cooldown and time to stretch while I sign off.


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
15:45.8 2,742m 2:52.4 68 534 22
4:30.0 777m 2:53.7 67 529 22
0:30.0 98m 2:33.0 98 635 28
4:30.0 773m 2:54.6 66 526 22
0:30.0 101m 2:28.5 107 667 30
4:30.0 775m 2:54.1 66 527 22
0:30.0 101m 2:28.5 107 667 32
0:45.2 122m 3:05.2 55 489 22

Click on an interval to see the workout graph.

Click and drag on the graph to zoom in on a section.

Workout Graph

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