CBDB CBDB v4:00/2:11r...22 row









Rest Distance399m
Rest Time23:39.0
Overall Distance3,522m
Overall Time49:39.0
Average Watts22
Calories Per Hour377
Stroke Rate14
Stroke Count378
Drag Factor91

October 01, 2023 11:16:59


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

RA78 - 20 x 1 mins - 10KW7S3
10KW7S3 - youtu.be/Fyx6z2f678k

Push as hard as you can with your legs at 20spm to see how much power you can squeeze out of the stroke every 1 minute in this muscle focussed row.

🚣20 x 1 min at 20spm with 1 min rests🚣‍♀️

➔Pace Guide = As fast as you can go at 20spm
➔Effort = Power = 10/10, Cardio probably about 7/10
➔Speech = You be able to speak, in between grunts of power.

âť— The REALLY important thing here is that you do this with a technique that protects your back. PLEASE make sure to hold that forward lean, with a good,powerful posture and straight arms as you drive your feet into the machine. And if you feel anything weird - stop. You need to make sure your body is ok to do these MAX POWER strokes. If you're unsure - check with a doctor. Row with a good stroke, you'll be fine - but I just want to put this warning out there!!! âť—

Just for a bit of interest, I do a test where I start with the lever at 0 (drag factor 88) and raise it one notch each interval, and then back down again. It gives me something to talk about as well as technique - and there's the added jeopardy of "Will he remember to move the lever...???)


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
26:00.0 3,123m 4:09.7 22 377 14
4:00.0 481m 4:09.4 23 377 17
r: 2:11 12m
1:00.0 126m 3:58.0 26 389 17
r: 1:00 29m
1:00.0 112m 4:27.8 18 362 15
r: 1:00 84m
1:00.0 99m 5:03.0 13 343 10
r: 1:00 43m
1:00.0 133m 3:45.5 30 404 15
r: 1:00 12m
1:00.0 146m 3:25.4 40 438 14
r: 1:00 17m
1:00.0 152m 3:17.3 46 456 15
r: 1:00 16m
1:00.0 153m 3:16.0 46 459 16
r: 1:00 21m
1:00.0 172m 2:54.4 66 527 16
r: 1:00 16m
1:00.0 179m 2:47.5 74 555 16
r: 1:00 14m
1:00.0 121m 4:07.9 23 379 16
r: 1:00 9m
1:00.0 134m 3:43.8 31 407 18
r: 1:00 9m
1:00.0 112m 4:27.8 18 362 19
r: 1:00 11m
1:00.0 137m 3:38.9 33 414 16
r: 1:00 6m
1:00.0 114m 4:23.1 19 366 16
r: 1:00 10m
1:00.0 115m 4:20.8 20 367 15
r: 1:00 9m
1:00.0 177m 2:49.4 72 547 15
r: 1:00 8m
1:00.0 117m 4:16.4 21 371 15
r: 1:00 10m
1:00.0 116m 4:18.6 20 369 17
r: 1:00 15m
1:00.0 113m 4:25.4 19 364 15
r: 1:00 35m
1:00.0 112m 4:27.8 18 362 16
r: 2:28 13m

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Workout Graph

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