CBDB CBDB v5:00/r...10 row









Rest Distance353m
Rest Time12:30.0
Overall Distance7,389m
Overall Time52:30.0
Average Watts71
Calories Per Hour542
Stroke Rate21
Stroke Count862
Drag Factor88

December 21, 2023 15:00:27


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

12 Rows of Christmas - 1 Spicy Start
RowAlong on YouTue: youtu.be/ktHLWOj9gv0?si=2RL9JriDqE0L2dGQ

Row 5 x 8 minutes with 2:30 rests. Broken into a 5 minute section and a 3 minute chunk.
🚣A MID INTENSITY WORKOUT on the Intensity Pyramid🚣‍♀️

➔Pace Guide
Row 5 mins at 20 strokes per minute and 2K+18 pace
Row 3 mins at 24 strokes per minute and 2K+5 pace
(See below for 2K Pace info)

➔Effort = Starts at 6/10 - then 8-9/10
➔Speech = Comfortable - then tough

âť— Burn some calories over the Holiday Season by rowing along with me in this 12 Rows of Christmas series. You don't have to do 12 days in a row - just fit them in when you can. âť—

The first 5 minutes is a good start for you to settle into the rhythm and get your technique locked in - then 3 minutes you push a LOT harder with the legs to get the rate and pace up. The intensity of that 3 minutes will get tougher for each interval. In the final interval, if you want to REALLY push and row as hard as you can (keep to the 24 stroke rate though) - then please do!


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
40:00.0 7,036m 2:50.5 71 542 21
5:00.0 847m 2:57.0 63 516 20
3:00.0 552m 2:43.0 81 577 24
r: 2:30 31m
5:00.0 847m 2:57.0 63 516 20
3:00.0 558m 2:41.2 83 587 24
r: 2:30 20m
5:00.0 849m 2:56.6 63 518 20
3:00.0 553m 2:42.7 81 579 24
r: 2:30 19m
5:00.0 857m 2:55.0 65 524 20
3:00.0 552m 2:43.0 81 577 24
r: 2:30 44m
5:00.0 863m 2:53.8 67 529 20
3:00.0 558m 2:41.2 83 587 24
r: 2:30 239m

Click on an interval to see the workout graph.

Click and drag on the graph to zoom in on a section.

Workout Graph

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