Steve Retz

Age: 65
Country: United States
Location: Clinton, IN
Team: Clinton Bikers
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 178 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 0 in
Logbook ID: 1205849
Member since: July 09, 2018

My life passion has mostly been centered around Bike/Recumbent, Canoes and Kayaks. These workouts are very different from each other but Very Complementary to each other. These days I train on all 3 Concept 2 machines. I rotate starting with one machine for an hour and finishing up on the another for 15 to 30 minutes. Day 1: Skieurg 1 hr then bike 30 minutes. Day 2 Rower for 1 hr then bikerg for 20 minutes. Day 3 Bike for 1 hr then Row for 30 minutes... and so on... I'm trying to work on my endurance mostly. Goals for Summer 2021 is to get back on the road with the Recumbent Trike where I can do 20 mile rides most days comfortably.