Jonathan Cohen

Age: 60
Country: United States
Location: San Antonio, TX
Affiliation: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Team: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 200 lb
Logbook ID: 1224874
Member since: November 07, 2018

I started "erging" about 2 years ago when my knee issues became so bad that I could not bike, elliptical, or walk ( I did a lot of limping) without pain. The C2 was the only exercise I found that I could do without pain. I had my knee replaced in December 2017 and I am doing much better. The doctor said I can row as much as I want and I have come to enjoy it. I started logging my mileage and being part of Team Blue Wave this past November and I truly enjoy the comradery and the technical details of what we do. Here is to a great 2019 and many, many meters of rowing!

Ranked Workouts for Current Season

Date Event Result Pace Type
07/09/24 100m 0:18.3 1:31.5 RowErg
07/24/24 1:00.0 321m 1:33.4 RowErg
07/09/24 500m 1:38.4 1:38.4 RowErg
07/22/24 6,000m 23:59.0 1:59.9 RowErg
07/26/24 30:00.0 7,352m 2:02.4 RowErg
06/08/24 10,000m 42:28.8 2:07.4 RowErg
06/20/24 21,097m 1:35:26.8 2:15.7 RowErg