Kiarian Coohill

Age: 49
Country: United Kingdom
Location: Bristol
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 200 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 2 in
Logbook ID: 1237686
Member since: December 28, 2018

Purchased a Concept 2 Indoor Rower in 2018 as I could feel myself turning to jelly in my office job. My main form of exercise is cycling and playing five-a-side football (soccer) twice a week, but it doesn't seem to be improving my fitness.
I also have been struggling lately with an ankle ligament strain, so that rules football out for the time being.

I've noticed that my fitness levels are dropping below what I find comfortable and I'm starting to get one of those skinny-fat-guy bodies, which I have to say I'm not happy about one bit!