Dorota Ulman

Age: 49
Country: Canada
Location: Milton, ON
Affiliation: Silent Water Neufeld
Height: 5 ft 6 in
Weight: 134 lb
Logbook ID: 1252154
Member since: February 18, 2019

Sending friendly hello and thanks for visiting my profile. I innocently found passion for rowing. In September 2018 I joined gym in my town and I started exploring different equipment on daily basis. My practice always starts and ends with ten minutes on bike then I have fifteen/twenty minutes intervals for different machines. First I attempted to row 1000 m distance then 2K and 3K. Only from 2019 I started 5K because everything else was taken so I said to myself I'm not giving up on this rower, it's mine:).

In February 2019 I joined closed group and started asking questions/looking for hints and knowledge about rowing technique. The group is very supportive and very active helping all who look for guidance, support or motivation.

At the same time I joined Concept2 Logbook, learned how to set correct date on rower:), connected phone and uploaded results and started using different display options on Concept2 PM5 model. I had great time taking part of 1000m sprints and March Mud Mania 5K & 10K distances. Working toward first one million and I enjoy every meter and second of it. I was never so fit, my body got reshaped in a positive way and I do rediscover myself in new way and I love it.
February 9, 2020 Canadian Rowing Championships 700+ participants, best experience ever, silver and 2K PB till today
March 8, 2020 joined one million meters club
April 2020 not going to gym any more
November 5, 2020 owner of Concept2 model D with zero life meters:), that lasted minutes only:)
My goals for 2021 year HM, FM and 50K - didn't happen ups
2022 year was very emotional
2023 March:) Mania:) in effect

My other hobbies:
short track "Milton Speed Skating Club" FUNdamentals coach
IG macro photography @dorotaulman