Mikael Hult

Age: 59
Country: Sweden
Location: Borås
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 203 lb
Logbook ID: 1257285
Member since: March 14, 2019

Is a man born -65 with lung disease COPD (chronic instructive lung disease) who trained the lung function absolutely superb thanks to the rowing machine

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
10/22/19 8:16.0 2,000m 2:04.0 RowErg
10/22/19 7:49.1 2,000m 1:57.2 RowErg
10/21/19 20:00.0 4,729m 2:06.8 RowErg
10/15/19 7:57.0 2,000m 1:59.2 RowErg
10/15/19 16:00.0 3,964m 2:01.0 RowErg