Eva Vanya

Age: 39
Country: United States
Location: San Diego, CA
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 165 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 4 in
Logbook ID: 1348444
Member since: April 08, 2020

As of April 2020:

I was formerly a rower briefly at GMU in 2004. I own my own Concept2 PM5 and heart rate monitor. I am just a fitness enthusiast with the following goals:

- Improving/maintaining cardiovascular health on the erg, via HIIT and longer sessions, by tracking heart rate data. My favorite types of workouts are HIIT.

- I have scoliosis due to a structurally longer right leg, and my major goal is reversing the curvature in my spine via targeted strength training, stretching, and soft tissue manipulation.

- I aim to lose fat -- not necessarily weight -- to get my body fat under 20%. Currently probably upwards of 25%.