Richard Roberts

Age: 70
Country: United States
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Affiliation: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Team: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 260 lb
Wingspan: 5 ft 6 in
Logbook ID: 1359999
Member since: May 09, 2020

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
06/29/23 4:00.0 926m 2:09.5 RowErg
06/29/23 0:56.1 167m 2:47.9 RowErg
06/21/23 15:00.0 2,461m 2:32.6 RowErg
06/12/23 15:00.0 2,648m 2:21.3 RowErg
06/08/23 11:00.0 1,794m 2:18.8 RowErg