Mark D. v4:00/1:23r...7 row










Heart Rate

Rest Distance337m
Rest Time10:43.0
Overall Distance13,007m
Overall Time1:06:43.0
Average Watts150
Calories Per Hour816
Stroke Rate19
Stroke Count1086
Drag Factor130

December 20, 2021 19:15:08


Workout Type
Variable Interval with Undefined Rest

Weight Class


Erg Zone

5 Ten Minute Pieces

Row 5 x 10 minute intervals with 90 second rests between in this RowAlong workout.
🚣A MID INTENSITY WORKOUT on the Intensity Pyramid🚣‍♀️

Row intervals at 18/22/18/22/18 stroke per minute
➔Pace Guide: 18spm at 2K+20 and 22spm at 2K+15 (see below for 2K pace info)
➔Effort = 5/10 and 6/10 - overall probably 7/10 due to duration.
➔Speech = Comfortable

❗ Both of the pace guides are in the Low Intensity region for rowing training - but because you'll be rowing for a total of 50 minutes (+ warmup and cooldown) the duration on the erg means this will slide into a Medium Intensity workout. Your fitness levels on the rowing machine will be HOW intense it'll be. If you're really fit, it'll be the top of a bottom, or the bottom of a Mid. If you're not used to rowing this long, it'll probably be a good solid MID intensity row.❗

(I know, the title says Intervals, the Thumbnail and video says Pieces - but no one is going to search YouTube for 5 x 10 minute Pieces!)

🚥You can use Ergzone to program your Concept 2 PM5 monitor, look for 12 Rows - Day 5 under the RowAlong track which has the main session pre-programmed. I've not programmed in the Warmup and Cooldown however, so you'll need to add them in yourself (I have some on the track, with the label "Bookmark These" so you can just bookmark them for future use) 🚥


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
56:00.0 12,670m 2:12.5 150 816 19 141
4:00.0 772m 2:35.4 93 620 20 101
r: 1:23 17m
10:00.0 2,301m 2:10.3 158 843 18 148
r: 1:32 21m
10:00.0 2,346m 2:07.8 167 876 21 135
r: 1:32 18m
10:00.0 2,271m 2:12.1 152 822 18 148
r: 1:31 21m
10:00.0 2,352m 2:07.5 169 880 22 147
r: 1:33 18m
10:00.0 2,214m 2:15.5 141 784 18 146
r: 1:48 21m
2:00.0 414m 2:24.9 115 695 19 132
r: 1:24 221m

Click on an interval to see the workout graph.

Click and drag on the graph to zoom in on a section.

Workout Graph

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