Juana Garcia

Age: 34
Country: United States
Location: East Islip, NY
Team: Team USA ergers
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 143 lb
Logbook ID: 1382753
Member since: August 13, 2020

Growing up I was always an athlete, I grew up playing multiple sports and fascinated by all sports. In college I joined the cycling club at Stony Brook University and that’s when my cycling career began. I remember winning my first individual cycling race with a rode bike that was gifted to me by my parents. I have worked really hard in becoming a competitive cyclist, and along my career I have picked up Duathalon racing along with Triathlon racing. I have participated in several races earning my spot on the podium in each race. I am now a dual athlete, and have won many individual races in the sport.

In the season of 2018, I won three consecutive races in a row for first place for Duathalon racing. Which resulted me in earning a spot to race at the USAT Northeastern Regionals. After receiving the honor to race at regionals. I immediately began training like never before.
In July 2019, I raced in my first USAT professional Duathalon race in Massachusetts for the USAT. I placed second place in the race, earning my spot to race in Nationals with hopes to making the Olympics.
I found CrossFit through a friend, so in December of 2015 I decided to join CrossFit and since then have been a competitive CrossFit athlete. I have been incredibly lucky and have met great friends and great coaches along the way. In 2017 I decided to take the CrossFit level 1 and since then I have been coaching athletes along the way. I love to coach, it brings me joy when those who I have coach accomplish their goals. As a coach I have learned to listen to my athletes and work hand in hand to meet their needs. One of my biggest joys as a coach is interacting with my athletes on a daily basis, and listening to their personal goals and working alongside them to achieve their goals. That’s what makes it all worth while as a coach the community and time spend with each and every athlete.

* July 2019, 2nd Place USAT Northeastern Regionals for Duathalon
* August 2019, 1st Place Long Island Tri by the bay Triathlon
* The Stony Brook School Strength and Conditioning Coach
* November 2017, CrossFit kettlebell course
* December 2017, CrossFit level 1 trainer
* February 2018, CrossFit running and judges course
* The Stony Brook School varsity volleyball coach
* 2019, Second fittest woman in El Salvador