Paul Bibeau

Age: 77
Country: United States
Location: Mystic, CT
Affiliation: U.S. Coast Guard
Team: U.S. Coast Guard Veterans and Retirees
Height: 5 ft 9 in
Weight: 181 lb
Logbook ID: 1386822
Member since: August 29, 2020

This is totally for self aggrandizement! : I have CHF due to idiopathic dilated cardio myopathy and my ejection fraction is currently 25%. Given my age and medical condition , using my concept 2 regularly and abundantly has made an enormous difference in my well being and quality of life. Update News: ejection fraction is now up to 36 %.!!! 5/2/22.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
05/30/24 10:39.1 1,528m 3:29.1 RowErg
05/17/24 10:07.5 1,565m 3:14.0 RowErg
05/17/24 10:29.0 1,523m 3:26.5 RowErg
05/09/24 10:07.9 1,630m 3:06.4 RowErg
05/09/24 4:13.4 638m 3:18.5 RowErg