David Pixton

Age: 77
Country: United States
Location: Frederick, MD
Affiliation: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Team: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 202 lb
Logbook ID: 1394386
Member since: September 22, 2020

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
07/23/24 5:38.4 677m 4:09.9 RowErg
07/23/24 26:27.1 5,000m 2:38.7 RowErg
07/23/24 6:05.0 1,062m 2:51.8 RowErg
07/05/24 2:52.7 363m 3:57.8 RowErg
07/05/24 33:17.2 6,000m 2:46.4 RowErg