John Fox

Age: 65
Country: United Kingdom
Location: Inverurie
Affiliation: CrossFit Shire
Height: 6 ft 0 in
Weight: 222 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 2 in
Logbook ID: 1477871
Member since: March 26, 2021

A Chartered Mech Eng. Have kept reasonably fit most of my life. A few year of judo in my early 20's. Was a fair runner when younger but didn't know and hated it anyway. Would do a half marathon in 1h 20....never trained and a mile in 4m 50s..I realised years later that they were okay times.
Never done rowing much. I was told 8m for 2000m was a target to aim for. Turned out I could manage that without any problems. My wife's PT told me that he was targetting 7m. This was my new challenge. Was delighted when I beat it with 6m 52s.......and I think I can deffo do better with more practise.
Out of chance two weeks ago, looked on Concept 2 world rankings to see if I was any good. Was shocked to see that in my age group it's pretty good!

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
08/03/21 0:14.8 100 1:14.0 RowErg
07/22/21 17:42.0 5,000 1:46.2 RowErg
07/04/21 17:52.6 5,000 1:47.2 RowErg
05/14/21 18:09.0 5,000 1:48.9 RowErg
05/08/21 6:54.1 2,000 1:43.5 RowErg