Danielle Dunnagan v1000m/r...23 row










Heart Rate

Rest Distance21m
Rest Time2:00.0
Overall Distance9,895m
Overall Time53:43.6
Average Watts90
Calories Per Hour610
Stroke Rate21
Stroke Count1092
Drag Factor123

August 07, 2023 16:32:47


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

Prep Week 3 Session 3 - 4 x 6 min UT1 Row
After a technique warm up and then a few 500m rate steps.

Today is 4 x 6 mins of Efforts

Each 6 minute effort is made up of:-
2 mins @ 20 spm (2k + 13sec)
2 mins @ 22 spm (2k + 11sec)
1 min @ 24 spm (2k + 9sec)
1 min @ 26 spm (2k + 7sec)

This is a tougher version of the session you recently did. This time a further step of 1 min at 26 spm has been added. You do not need to try and go faster in this minute just up the rate and see if the pace drops a little.


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
51:43.6 9,874m 2:37.1 90 610 21 141
5:38.1 1,000m 2:49.0 72 549 31 116
8:59.4 2,000m 2:14.8 143 791 22 150
r: 2:00 21m
2:00.0 444m 2:15.1 142 788 21 145
2:00.0 452m 2:12.7 150 814 21 151
1:00.0 229m 2:11.0 156 835 23 155
1:00.0 233m 2:08.7 164 864 25 157
2:00.0 187m 5:20.8 11 336 17 107
2:00.0 445m 2:14.8 143 791 21 149
2:00.0 451m 2:13.0 149 811 22 156
1:00.0 230m 2:10.4 158 842 24 159
1:00.0 233m 2:08.7 164 864 26 160
2:00.0 118m 8:28.4 3 309 12 108
2:00.0 444m 2:15.1 142 788 22 150
2:00.0 451m 2:13.0 149 811 22 158
1:00.0 230m 2:10.4 158 842 25 162
1:00.0 233m 2:08.7 164 864 25 164
0 104
2:00.0 445m 2:14.8 143 791 22 149
2:00.0 451m 2:13.0 149 811 23 160
1:00.0 229m 2:11.0 156 835 25 161
1:00.0 234m 2:08.2 166 871 25 162
2:00.0 149m 6:42.6 5 318 14 112
5:06.2 1,000m 2:33.1 98 635 18 142

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Click and drag on the graph to zoom in on a section.

Workout Graph

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