Danielle Dunnagan v1000m/r...27 row









Rest Distance16m
Rest Time1:00.0
Overall Distance8,243m
Overall Time42:44.3
Average Watts99
Calories Per Hour641
Stroke Rate23
Stroke Count988
Drag Factor100

September 21, 2023 19:02:25


Workout Type
Variable Interval

Weight Class


Erg Zone

Build Week 4 Session 3 - 8 x 2 mins Rate Steps
After a technique warm up and then a few 500m rate steps.

8 x 2min made up as 1 minute at a lower rate, then a step up to a higher rate for the second minute.

1 - Rate 20 then Rate 24 (2k + 13 then + 9sec)
2 - Rate 22 then Rate 26 (2k + 12 then + 7sec)
3 - Rate 24 then Rate 28 (2k + 9 then + 4sec)
4 - Rate 26 then Rate 30 (2k + 7 then + 2sec)
5 - Rate 22 then Rate 26 (2k + 12 then + 7sec)
6 - Rate 24 then Rate 28 (2k + 9 then + 4sec)
7 - Rate 26 then Rate 30 (2k + 7 then + 2sec)
8 - Rate 28 then Rate 32 (2k + 5 then + 0sec)

1 min rest between each.


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
41:44.3 8,227m 2:32.2 99 641 23
5:43.0 1,000m 2:51.5 69 538 34
9:22.3 2,000m 2:20.5 126 733 22
r: 1:00 16m
1:00.0 224m 2:13.9 146 801 24
1:00.0 230m 2:10.4 158 842 25
1:00.0 227m 2:12.1 152 821 25
1:00.0 220m 2:16.3 138 775 24
1:00.0 230m 2:10.4 158 842 27
1:00.0 226m 2:12.7 150 814 26
1:00.0 220m 2:16.3 138 775 24
1:00.0 222m 2:15.1 142 788 26
1:00.0 192m 2:36.2 92 615 21
1:00.0 211m 2:22.1 122 719 24
1:00.0 225m 2:13.3 148 808 26
1:00.0 118m 4:14.2 21 373 16
1:00.0 209m 2:23.5 118 707 23
1:00.0 222m 2:15.1 142 788 24
1:00.0 83m 6:01.4 7 325 11
1:00.0 219m 2:16.9 136 768 23
1:00.0 200m 2:30.0 104 656 22
1:00.0 49m 10:12.2 2 305 7
1:00.0 207m 2:24.9 115 695 21
1:00.0 235m 2:07.6 168 878 26
1:00.0 157m 3:11.0 50 472 19
1:00.0 229m 2:11.0 156 835 26
1:00.0 241m 2:04.4 181 924 29
1:00.0 146m 3:25.4 40 438 18
2:39.0 500m 2:39.0 87 599 19

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Workout Graph

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