Bruce Bernard

Age: 73
Country: United States
Location: Spring House, PA
Affiliation: Age Without Limits
Team: Age Without Limits
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 173 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 0 in
Logbook ID: 1528608
Member since: September 03, 2021

I have always been active and played pickup basketball until age 62. At retirement a few years later I found myself overweight and out of shape. I started a walking program and added a recumbent stationary bike. I lost over 60 pounds and am determined to keep it off. To continue my fitness journey I added strength training and in September 2021 a RowErg. I’ve had to deal with a torn rotator cuff (unrelated to exercise) but I am thankful every day for what I have. My main goal now is to maintain cardiovascular fitness. My RHR and VO2max are both 45, so I’m happy about that. And thank you C2 for helping me get and stay there!