Scott Janiak-Ross

Age: 60
Country: United States
Location: Long Beach, CA
Affiliation: RowAlong
Team: RowAlong
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 193 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 0 in
Adaptive Rowing Category: PR3 (PD)
Adaptive Skiing Category: STAN
Logbook ID: 1557200
Member since: November 21, 2021

I would like training partners.
I make jewelry for Hollywood movies tv and anyone really.
I have been living with multi-system atrophy -cerebrum for about 3 years, diagnosed in July 2020 it is a type of Parkinsonism that is fatal in most people in 5 to 10 years. MSA-C is a progressive disease affecting your whole body has no cure or treatment currently. My balance is mostly affected. I swim 3 days a week 2000+meters with my team and coach once a week. On days I don't swim, I ride a stationary recombinant bike 7 miles and hope to begin rowing daily on a concept 2.
Update on the C2 rowerg.
I received my C2 erg and started rowing every day.
I started rowing for the first time in January of 2022.