Jerry Schulze

Age: 77
Country: United States
Location: Mount Pleasant , IA
Affiliation: GERMAN Rowers and FRIENDS United
Team: GERMAN Rowers and FRIENDS United
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 153 lb
Logbook ID: 1592303
Member since: February 04, 2022

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
06/19/22 10:21.5 2,000m 2:35.3 RowErg
06/15/22 5:09.1 1,000m 2:34.5 RowErg
06/15/22 21:40.0 2,701m 2:14.2 RowErg
06/15/22 24:45.7 3,589m 2:19.3 RowErg
06/15/22 1:43.0 350m 2:27.1 RowErg