Anthony Higson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/07/22 69m 0:30.5 3:41.0 View workout
06/07/22 13,986m 1:00:00.0 2:08.7 View workout
06/06/22 5,017m 19:28.0 1:56.4 View workout
05/10/22 5,000m 19:09.0 1:54.9 View workout
05/07/22 5,000m 19:50.0 1:59.0 View workout
05/04/22 2,000m 7:28.0 1:52.0 View workout
05/04/22 500m 1:40.0 1:40.0 View workout
04/24/22 2,000m 7:52.0 1:58.0

Rowed at club with team on erg

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04/23/22 5,000m 20:00.0 2:00.0

Aiming to break 19 mins. New to rowing so any advice welcome. Stone of Covid weight to lose so that will help.

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04/17/22 1,000m 3:30.0 1:45.0 View workout