Mark Holden

Age: 65
Country: France
Location: Lavit de lomagne
Affiliation: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Team: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 148 lb
Logbook ID: 2055559
Member since: August 11, 2023

Retired master mariner. 42 years service at sea from apprentice to captain.
Received merchant navy medal (MNM) for meritorious service in 2017 from princess Anne.
In January 2023 I was in hospital for 17 days with a virus ( 10 days of that was in the ICU with oxygen feed and drips etc) I was informed by the consultant that I must exercise daily. I went home and started exercising within our home doing push-ups lifting weights and step-ups. All very lightly at first.
On February 10th 2023 I remembered we had a concept 2 in. the loft which had been there for 20 years. I then started rowing and by 11th September had reached the 1 million metres and then on 12th January 2024 had reached the 2 million metres and feeling fitter and stronger than I had for about 30 years. I look forward to returning to see the consultant about May 2024 for him to analyse the results and improvement since I was fully discharged from his care in May 2023. I would consider that the Concept 2 has changed not only mine but my wife's fitness dramatically in the previous 12 months and we look forward to the various challenges on the Concept app