Karl Easton

Age: 66
Country: Australia
Location: Sydney, NSW
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 202 lb
Logbook ID: 2214741
Member since: January 09, 2024

School teacher. History: Late teens - Mosman 8s. Indoor rowing since early 20s. Now 65. Competed 2010 - 2012. At 53 - 2012 - 2000m @ 6.50.2. Outrigger canoeing late 20s. Competed Hamilton Island 2 years.
Retired runner: x 6 marathons. Best at 2h:49m. Retired Triathlete: Ultra Ironman x 2. PB - 10 hrs: 50. May 05th..in my 17th week of program. Weights x 2 sessions wk. Erg x 3 Int sessions a week. Plus a 6000 to 8000m piece. So now at 65 aiming to go 7.20 or less @ 2000m. Wish me luck!

Ranked Workouts for Current Season

Date Event Result Pace Type
08/09/24 2,000m 7:30.5 1:52.6 RowErg
07/22/24 6,000m 24:49.3 2:04.1 RowErg