Brion Brooks

Age: 67
Country: United States
Location: Mount Morris, IL
Affiliation: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 163 lb
Logbook ID: 2392768
Member since: August 13, 2024

Director of a nonprofit agency serving adults with developmental disabilities. Husband. Father of 5. Grandfather of 4. Avid life-long bicyclist, chess player, and tournament backgammon player. Better at some of the above than others...
Picked up rowing as a form of cross training and very much enjoying it.

Ranked Workouts for Current Season

Date Event Result Pace Type
12/13/24 6,000m 29:26.3 2:27.1 RowErg
12/17/24 30:00.0 6,327m 2:22.2 RowErg