Chris Abraham

Age: 54
Country: United States
Location: Arlington, VA
Affiliation: Potomac Boat Club
Team: Potomac Boat Club
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 295 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 3 in
Logbook ID: 900652
Member since: June 06, 2011

Need to lose weight in order to be able to step into and row my Hudson heavyweight single -- and also get fit again after slowly dying a workaholic's death.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
09/20/24 8:07.0 1,276m 3:10.8 RowErg
09/15/24 20:39.2 3,325m 3:06.3 RowErg
09/01/24 15:40.3 2,639m 2:58.1 RowErg
08/29/24 5:20.7 848m 3:09.0 RowErg
08/29/24 19:09.2 3,092m 3:05.8 RowErg