Fellowship of the Erg

Flywheel fellas. Chain yankin chicas. #fillthetrousers @fellowship_of_the_erg

Athlete Age Location Country
Aaron Kleiman 43 USA
Andrew George 40 Asheville, NC USA
Andy L 40 Woodbridge, VA USA
Ashley H S 39 USA
Benjamin Heinz 38 USA
Charles Rodger 40 USA
Clark Moncure 40 USA
Derek Heinz 40 USA
J Shep 40 USA
Jared Kleiman 38 USA
Jason Neal 41 TN USA
Jim Patton 41 USA
Landon Chandler 41 USA
Mary Ruttum 36 USA
Phillip Summers 40 USA
Rusty Maben 42 Clemson, SC USA
Sarah Heinz 39 USA
Shawn Lundskow 32 Norman, OK USA
Thomas Hixon 39 USA
tim wier 45 USA