Hanlan Boat Club 2025 - 50th Anniversary!

Hanlan Boat Club, based in Toronto, Canada, offers inclusive programming for rowers of all ages and at all levels. This is our virtual team page for Concept2 virtual challenges.

Athlete Age Location Country
Aditya Raman 17 CAN
Aidan Moore 48 Toronto, ON CAN
Alessia Fazzolari 17 CAN
Alexandre Guet-McCreight 33 Toronto, ON CAN
Alison Collins Mrakas 55 CAN
Alison Collins-Mrakas 58 CAN
Amanda Sherrington 33 ON CAN
Ameya M 17 CAN
Amy B 19 CAN
Angelica Jacobsen 17 CAN
Anneke Kramer 56 CAN
Antonio Miranda Junior 53 CAN
Antonio Junior 53 Toronto, ON CAN
Audrey Tsai 25 CAN
Avtar Dhanota 79 ON CAN
Benjamin Wiebe 24 CAN
Blair Fraser 50 Toronto, ON CAN
Brenda Lucas 53 CAN
Brian Singleton 61 Toronto, ON CAN
Christopher Arnold 33 Montreal, QC CAN
Craig Thompson 63 Toronto, ON CAN
Cynthia Warn 62 CAN
Cynthia Warn 62 CAN
David Fisman 55 CAN
David Paterson 44 CAN
Doris Chai - CAN
Elene Brett-Evans 39 Toronto, ON CAN
Emile D’Souza 15 CAN
Eric Szonyi 55 Toronto, ON CAN
Name withheld
evise K 44 CAN
George Fulford 70 Toronto, ON CAN
Heather Bell 55 CAN
Hui Wai Chan 27 HKG
Name withheld
James Dale 54 Toronto CAN
Janet Bolton 57 CAN
Jen Harding 51 Toronto, ON CAN
Jennifer Jewell 46 CAN
Jennifer Steel 56 Toronto, ON CAN
Joey Herrington 47 Toronto, ON CAN
John Liu 19 ON CAN
Jules Poulin 47 CAN
Julian Fortin 31 CAN
Katy Klosowski 46 Toronto , ON CAN
Keith Stewart 58 ON CAN
Kelly Brigley 52 Toronto , ON CAN
Kirsten Ryan 58 Toronto, ON CAN
Kirsty Clarke 61 CAN
Krist Black 50 CAN
Kristin Simpson 50 CAN
Laurie Frame 67 Toronto, ON CAN
Name withheld
Leon Gagarin 16 CAN
Malorie Otton 24 CAN
Marcelo Albuquerque 44 Recife BRA
Marcelo Nascimento 41 BRA
Marta Saunders 60 CAN
Mary Nishio 67 Toronto, ON CAN
Mary Plain 47 CAN
Mary Ann Crichton - Toronto , ON CAN
Michael Mallinson 77 Toronto, ON CAN
Mike Walmsley 31 GBR
Nick Matthews - CAN
Nicola Worsfold 52 CAN
Norman Leung - CAN
Paul Charuk 38 CAN
Peter Pennefather 72 CAN
Peter Heywood 69 Toronto CAN
Pierre Schuurmans 60 Toronto, ON CAN
prof paper 69 ON CAN
Rachael Kearns 31 CAN
Rhianne Whittaker 23 CAN
Robert Tavener 56 ON CAN
Ryan Meyers 38 Toronto, ON CAN
Sam Jazayeri 32 CAN
Sandra Martin 50 Toronto, ON CAN
Sarah Lake 53 Stouffville, Ontario CAN
Satinder Singh 84 Toronto , ON CAN
Shawna Pereira 50 CAN
shelagh baker 64 CAN
Shelby Sturrock 31 Toronto, ON CAN
Sophie Pipilas 52 CAN
Sunny Edmunds 57 Toronto CAN
Susan Gustavison 79 Toronto, ON CAN
Tamir Arnesty 25 CAN
Tamzin Jeffs 54 Toronto, ON CAN
Théo Taylor 25 CAN
Tracey Clingen 56 Toronto, ON CAN