Cotswold Village Crew

Former members and friends of the RowHouse Cotswold Village community💛

Virtual Team Challenge Participants

Pos. Athlete Age Location Country Challenge
8 George Noonan 51 USA 55,092m
9 Scott Gannon 40 USA 46,650m
2 Pete Landry 49 Charlotte, NC USA 31,000m
6 Lisa Bradley 62 USA 21,200m
10 Marcella Martínez 57 USA 21,024m
5 Melissa Gannon 38 USA 19,177m
1 Kim Nichols 49 USA 18,000m
7 Kate Jostworth 41 USA 13,731m
4 Dale Schmitt 60 USA 8,626m
3 Sandi Cleary 63 USA 2,018m