Marines - Combat Logistics Regiment 4

This team is for all Active and Reserve Marines of Combat Logistics Regiment 4 in Kansas City, Missouri USA.

Athlete Age Location Country
Cole Graf 25 USA
Daniel Coleman 56 Camp Lejeune, NC USA
Derek Kalata 31 USA
Deryl Stockton 41 USA
Devon Cahill 26 USA
Diego Rosales 31 USA
Egan Evans 23 USA
Elijah Jacobs 23 USA
Francisco Pietri 40 Lee's Summit, MO USA
Jason Gaddy 53 USA
Joshua Fariasjones 30 USA
matthew mumper 39 USA
Michael McKenzie 39 USA
Mitzi Recalde 34 USA
Santiago Bauswell 25 USA
Sienna Montgomery 27 USA
Taylor Drummer 25 USA
Timothy Marable 27 USA
Trent Mares 30 USA