Friends of MSOE Rowing

Friends of MSOE Rowing is a prospective 501(c)3 organization dedicated to supporting the sport of rowing in the Milwaukee, WI area by: 1. Providing logistical and financial support for the Milwaukee School of Engineering University Men's and Women's Varsity Crew Teams to: ensure the long term viability of both programs; and enable the largest number of students possible to participate in the sport of rowing. 2. Organizing support for the Men's and Women's Crew Teams by: coordinating with MSOE, team Alumni and the local community to increase awareness of the sport of rowing; and by recognizing the personal, academic and athletic achievements of student rowers.

Athlete Age Location Country
Aidan Roth 22 USA
Alan Struna 30 USA
Alex Rathke 30 Chicago, IL USA
Benjamin Lang 33 Wausau, WI USA
Benjamin Leonard 23 USA
Corbin Gustafson 25 Cleveland, OH USA
Devin Pettis 35 Milwaukee, WI USA
Evan Kausalik 38 WI USA
Finn Finucane 30 West Bend, WI USA
Garrett Hoeg 32 Milwaukee, WI USA
Ian Wright 23 Milwaukee USA
Jon Allen 32 USA
Lars Maxfield 31 Lübeck GER
Michael Richter 33 USA
Owen Podziemski 22 USA
Patrick Hayes 23 USA
Reney Bagnall 32 Milwaukee, WI USA
Riley Buhr 26 USA
Thomas Nord 26 White Bear Lake, MN USA
Thomas Woodard 32 Milwaukee, WI USA
Timothy Urbas 33 Salt Lake City, UT USA
Wesley Wolfram 31 SC USA