California Cycle Path

The Fall Team Challenge is a club challenge where club members try to reach either 100,000 meters or 200,000 meters by the end of the challenge. Meters may be accumulated on the indoor rower, the SkiErg, or a combination of the two. There are prizes for those who reach either of these distances, as well as a prize draw for all clubs with at least ten participants reaching 100,000m. To either start or join a team, visit the Teams page of your logbook. If you're a member of a team, make sure you confirm your participation in the challenge.

Athlete Age Location Country
Abhishek Mandal 35 USA
Dorry Lang 61 USA
elizabeth collura 42 USA
john bratton 54 USA
jonathan tilelli 39 USA
Lauren Bradford 42 Pittsburgh, PA USA
Leslie Nelson 59 USA
Margaret Rudolph 53 USA
Morgan Jessup 37 Pittsburgh, PA USA
Nandini Saha 38 USA
Sandy Gianella 59 Pittsburgh, PA USA
Sierra Hedrick 34 USA
Stacey Regan 67 USA