Roy Jones

Age: 34
Country: United States
Location: Baltimore, MD
Affiliation: Baltimore Community Rowing
Team: Baltimore Community Rowing
Height: 6 ft 7 in
Weight: 214 lb
Logbook ID: 1170216
Member since: December 12, 2017

Former runner turned rower. Still trying to figure the Machine out.

2k: 6:11.7
1k: 2:55.8

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
04/03/24 54:00.0 12,044m 1:53.1 RowErg
03/25/24 37:57.0 9,542m 1:44.8 RowErg
03/22/24 15:00.0 3,830m 1:42.7 RowErg
03/22/24 9:24.8 2,528m 1:51.7 RowErg
03/22/24 8:00.0 1,196m 1:45.9 RowErg