Damien Woodford

Age: 31
Country: United Kingdom
Location: Southsea
Team: Consistency is Key
Height: 6 ft 5 in
Weight: 254 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 5 in
Logbook ID: 1203306
Member since: June 16, 2018


Not rowed in about a year due to moving somewhere i couldn't easily set it up. Time to get my rowing metres back up again.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
02/11/21 40:38.1 10,000m 2:01.9 RowErg
02/10/21 29:31.9 7,500m 1:58.1 RowErg
02/09/21 40:51.4 10,000m 2:02.5 RowErg
02/08/21 14:24.4 4,000m 1:48.0 RowErg
05/24/20 20:12.0 5,000m 2:01.2 RowErg