Dave Nuku

Age: 64
Country: New Zealand
Location: Palmerston North
Team: KIWI AS, Aotearoa
Height: 5 ft 9 in
Weight: 209 lb
Logbook ID: 1223777
Member since: October 31, 2018

Seriously broke myself in a motorcycle accident in Sept 2014 and after many, many operations over 3 years, I was put back together again. Rehab every day and Rowing became my go to exercise. In Jan 2016 it was suggested I joined the Gym rowing club to knock out 1000 miles in 1 year. Well that turned into a habit and been rowing daily ever since. Five years down the track and I came out the other end with most of my bits still working. Best rehab machine ever and I eventually got one for home. 20 Nov 2018, Concept2-E purchased.