Rolf Nordstrom

Age: 73
Country: United States
Location: Sarasota, FL
Height: 6 ft 0 in
Weight: 165 lb
Wingspan: 5 ft 4 in
Logbook ID: 1266660
Member since: May 17, 2019

Did a few rows in 2019 on my wife's new C2 rower but preferred road biking. Took up indoor rowing in earnest in February 2024 to help with my rehab following full knee replacement surgery in August. Prior to knee surgery, my main focus was road bike riding. Regaining my ROM following surgery has been difficult and has restricted my cycling, hence the switch to indoor rowing (on C2 Rower ). I have become enamored with the rower and expect to continue, even after I am again able to cycle at competitive level.

8/26/24 Update: skin cancer surgery scheduled for 8/30/24. I will probably be off the rower for about 2 mos. if everything goes well. Trying to reach 1 milion meters rowed before surgery.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
08/27/24 3:06.2 363m 4:16.4 RowErg
08/27/24 37:27.1 8,008m 2:20.3 RowErg
08/26/24 1:25:00.0 16,815m 2:21.9 RowErg
08/24/24 1:39.0 200m 4:07.5 RowErg
08/24/24 1:00:00.7 12,744m 2:21.2 RowErg

Ranked Workouts for Current Season

Date Event Result Pace Type
05/03/24 100m 0:19.6 1:38.0 RowErg
05/01/24 1:00.0 285m 1:45.2 RowErg
05/21/24 500m 1:53.5 1:53.5 RowErg
08/21/24 2,000m 8:41.6 2:10.4 RowErg
05/01/24 5,000m 22:00.1 2:12.0 RowErg
05/31/24 30:00.0 6,739m 2:13.5 RowErg
05/19/24 10,000m 45:04.6 2:15.2 RowErg
05/05/24 1:00:00.0 13,124m 2:17.1 RowErg
05/08/24 21,097m 1:39:58.1 2:22.1 RowErg