John Lawler

Age: 75
Country: United States
Location: Chicago, IL
Affiliation: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Team: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 207 lb
Logbook ID: 1288688
Member since: October 08, 2019

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
09/20/24 30:00.0 7,044m 2:07.7 RowErg
09/19/24 21:30.2 5,011m 2:08.7 RowErg
09/19/24 9:23.6 2,162m 2:10.3 RowErg
09/18/24 8:52.2 2,030m 2:11.0 RowErg
09/18/24 21:35.7 5,015m 2:09.1 RowErg

Ranked Workouts for Current Season

Date Event Result Pace Type
08/31/24 5,000m 19:47.5 1:58.7 RowErg
07/18/24 30:00.0 7,313m 2:03.0 RowErg
06/21/24 21,097m 1:34:36.8 2:14.5 RowErg