Kevin Hollebeek

Age: 43
Country: United States
Location: Belmont, VT
Team: Mt. Hilly Rowers
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 183 lb
Wingspan: 5 ft 11 in
Logbook ID: 1417920
Member since: November 25, 2020

Currently living in Southern Vermont. I ride a touring bicycle and run, and added rowing to the mix in December of 2020.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
03/19/25 41:40.2 10,000 2:05.0 RowErg
03/17/25 41:40.7 10,000 2:05.0 RowErg
03/15/25 41:40.0 10,000 2:05.0 RowErg
03/13/25 41:40.8 10,000 2:05.0 RowErg
03/11/25 41:40.4 10,000 2:05.0 RowErg