Laxton Mursell

Age: 51
Country: Denmark
Location: Jægerspris
Team: Scandinavian Vikings
Height: 6 ft 6 in
Weight: 212 lb
Logbook ID: 1531173
Member since: September 10, 2021

Got my rower in september, and then the skierg a week later..... row for fun and trying to get skinny... sort of working, but hard and taking longer than hoped.... looking forward to be able to join the 1m club in 2022....

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
05/10/24 12:00.0 2,687m 1:58.9 RowErg
05/10/24 3:18.2 720m 2:17.6 RowErg
04/26/24 22:19.1 5,032m 2:13.0 RowErg
04/18/24 21:54.8 5,036m 2:10.5 RowErg
04/15/24 35:35.5 8,022m 2:13.1 RowErg