Nils El

Age: 27
Country: Germany
Location: Göttingen
Affiliation: GERMAN Rowers and FRIENDS United
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 187 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 3 in
Logbook ID: 1636308
Member since: July 12, 2022

Started rowing in September 2022.
Currently trying out which workout I enjoy most (and will stick to :D) so my workout plan looks a little messy.
But I am enjoying it a lot.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
02/07/25 42:42.8 10,029 2:07.7 RowErg
02/01/25 42:00.1 10,022 2:05.7 RowErg
01/27/25 42:48.2 10,033 2:07.9 RowErg
01/23/25 30:07.1 6,815 2:12.5 RowErg
01/02/25 0:17.3 100 1:26.5 RowErg